Every year, more than 3.000 whole blood analyses are performed to detect deficiencies of thiamin (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2) and pyridoxine (vitamin B6). Several diseases are due to the lack of one of those vitamins. Insufficient intake of vitamin B could lead to Beriberi, or the lack of vitamin B2 is known as Ariboflavinosis. These analysis use a HPLC-fluorescent quantitative method, which is time consuming and not efficient enough.
The laboratory wanted to develop another method by LC/MS, with few sample preparation steps and lower limits of detection.
Experimental conditions
The following method was conducted on an Agilent 1100 Series and an Agilent Electrospray Mass Spectrometry LC/MSD SL, with an HILIC column (stationary phase C8/NH4+ / 150x2.1mm / 5µm).
Mobile phase was : A Methanol/Water 50/50 (pH=5.50) ;
B Methanol/Water 70/30 with 15mM ammonium acetate buffer (pH=5.50) and used at a flow rate of 0.22mL/min.
Vitamin detection was performed at specific m/z ratio : m/z=445 vitamin B1 / m/z=786 vitamin B2 / m/z=294 vitamin B6.
Detections were performed on positive mode with fragmentor = 75V, Vcap = 3500V, Pneb = 60psig, Tgaz = 350°C.
Vitamin samples were of analytical grade and prepared at 25µM in Methanol/Water 70/30 pH=3.
These solutions were stored at -20°C.
Figure 1 represents the optimal separation of vitamin B1, B2 and B6 with previous experimental conditions. Final solvent gradient was 0-0.5min (95%A and 5%B), 9.5min (0%A and 100%B) and 14.5-15min (95%A and 5%B). Gradient step was linear.
Retention times are 5.592min vitamin B6, 7.029min vitamin B2 and 10.889min vitamin B1 : peaks are separated with an excellent resolution (Rmin = 6.3) and total analysis time does not exceed 11min.
These results are promising : solvent gradient may be improved in order to reduce total analysis times, by reducing a little peaks’ resolution. The method can now continue to another step of development : quantification. One of the most important things that the developed method will have to be is to be sensitive enough.

Chromatogram of vitamins B at 25µM by LC/MS
Purple curve represents solvent gradient